Wednesday 29 May 2013

Lucid Dreams: Things To Do and Not to do to control your Dreams.

Lucid dreams are dreams that involve consciousness of the dreamer. Where the dreamer knows or atleast suspects that he/she is infact dreaming.

1) How to have a lucid dream : Following the following steps will increase the probability of having a lucid dream,

  •  Remember Your Everyday Dreams > Most people do not remember that they had an ordinary dream. In such cases there is no point of having a lucid dream if you cant remember it.
  •  Keep A Journal > It will help you a lot if you keep a written/voice journal of previous dreams, whether lucid or not.
  •  Be Prepared > Most people when they have a lucid dream, they freak out! You must be calm and prepared. For this, before going to sleep everyday, tell yourself: "I will remember my dream" or "I am ready for a lucid dream".
  • Ask yourself "am i dreaming?": Dreams are strange most times. You have to realize what is strange , different to what you do, and ask yourself whether you are dreaming.

2) How to realize that you are in a dream:  Those who have seen the movie "Inception" will know that when in a dream YOU CANNOT RECALL HOW YOU GOT THERE!
      Even if you brain gives you a few pre-recorded images to explain how you got there, they will not be able to prove it. Also this experience of trying to remember will not be realistic. For example, when "thinking" while dreaming, you will see only images WITHOUT any sense of the environment you are in, like a "flashback" in movies.

3)Things NOT TO do in a lucid dream: There are a couple of things you must be aware of, such as,
  •  DONOT GET EXCITED: Most people wake up or loses their lucid dream beacuse they get over excited. Be calm.
  •  DONOT CLOSE YOUR EYES: Sometimes to be calm, people close their eyes and just breathe. Not a good idea if you are in a dream. Closing your eyes will land you in the real world, you WILL wake up or atleast lose the lucidity!
  •  DONOT base your doubts on experience:  This point may be a little awkward. But when in a dream some people tend to see the environment around them to verify whether they are dreaming. They see the "details" and "experience". What they do not realize is that dreams can be vivid. You cant realize what you are not experiencing, for example, the temperature, the time, you breathing and stuff like that.
  • Laws of Physics: This point may break a few peoples heart, but i am writing it from personal experience.
     DONOT break the laws of physics! Most people after realizing that they are in a dream try to "fly", or try to "breathe fire" and stuff like that.
    Unlike in the movie inception, it may break your dream.
           I have had about 5-6 lucid dreams in my life, all of them ended when i tried to change the laws of physics. The "changed" laws that you create by "flying" will not last long. Our brain will try to change it to "default" again.

4) Personal Experience: The first lucid dream i had was when i was 10 years old. I saw myself getting shot, but then i said "i cant die, its a dream".
  Then after in years of intervals i had other lucid dreams. Once i tried to run in Super Speed like flash! But i got trapped by a car that fell from the sky before i reached my destination.
  I wanted to ride a bicycle, so i tried to magically bring it to me. And well i automatically hit a brick wall while riding it and woke up.
 I tried to fly too, and did. The view was amazing. But i was shot down by a plane or something. Weird!
 Once when i realized i was in a dream, i was literally "pulled" from the area! and i woke up.
 Last dream i had, i just wanted to wear a shirt, cause i was wearing nothing! The whole dream changed, i lost the lucidity! Very sad, i know!

 Please comment/share this post if it helped you.